World Traumatologist Day

Every year on May 20, doctors from around the world who specialize in the field of traumatology and orthopedics celebrate their professional holiday.

All specialties are important in medicine, but traumatology is a field where doctors are never out of work. Our fast-paced time with high speeds, risk of various injuries, numerous road accidents and domestic injuries puts any person at risk of injury or fracture, dislocation or sprain. And the first to come to the rescue are traumatologists, who perform their difficult and responsible work day and night. After all, they are constantly faced with many injuries, sometimes very difficult, but always come out victorious in the fight against ailments.

Now, during the war, the importance of this specialty has increased many times. In front-line hospitals, traumatologists save soldiers by performing the most complex operations.

The Traumatology School of ONMedU is known in Ukraine and beyond. The department and clinics of orthopedic surgery were created more than a hundred years ago – in April 1921. The names of professors M. I. Kefer, I. H. Herzen, V. F. Wenger are inscribed in the history of  Odesa Traumatology School. Since 2006, the Department of Traumatology has been headed by MD, prof. Yu. V. Sukhin, who continues the traditions of his predecessors and believes that quality assistance to patients is possible only in a combination of science and practice.

Happy holiday to you, tireless traumatologists! Your knowledge and golden hands will always be needed both in peacetime and in wartime.