Vyshyvanka: personal code = nation code!

On May 17, 2024, a joint event was held by the Department of Social Sciences of  Odesa National Medical University and the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law of  Odesa State University of Internal Affairs.

In a mixed format (on the Microsoft Teams platform and in the media center of ODUVS, 1 Uspenska St.), an interactive lecture-presentation “Embroidery: personal code = nation code!” was held.

During the lecture-presentation, the participants listened to the history of embroidery, in particular, in the modern territory of Ukraine. According to the lecturer Ph.D., Tatiana Podkupko, the oldest finds of embroidered clothes belong to the Stone Age. Since then, embroidery in clothes, household items, decorative trinkets has accompanied humanity to this day. Embroidery is a coded charm for those who can “read” it. The colors of both the fabric and the threads, patterns, ornaments, their arrangement and the number of stitches have meaning. Clothing is decorated with embroidery, especially shirts, tablecloths, napkins, towels. There are many embroidery techniques in the world, the ancient “cross” and the newer “glad” remain the most popular for Ukraine.

The listeners learned about the peculiarities and types of embroidery in different regions of Ukraine, the main differences of embroidery in the countries of Europe, America, and Asia.

The participants of the lecture had the opportunity online with the help of artificial intelligence to encode their own name in cross-stitch, create a unique individual wish for themselves or loved ones.

Also during the lecture, the participants took part in a quiz where they answered questions on the history of the art of embroidery in Ukraine and around the world.

We thank  the head of the Department of Social Sciences of ONMedU, Ph.D., Olha Sikorska and employees of the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences: Head, Doctor of Law, Professor, Police Colonel Lilia Matveeva and Doctor of Political Science, Assoc. Iryna Telelym for organizing an important patriotic and educational event .

We thank Ukrainian Army for the opportunity to work and study!