Zaporozhan Valerii Mykolaiovych
Rector, Chairman of the Academic Council of the University, Academician of the NAMS of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Marichereda Valeriia Henadiivna
First Vice-rector, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Buriachkivskyi Eduard Stanislavovych
Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, PhD in Medicine, associate professor
Kotiuzhynska Svitlana Heorhiivna
Vice-rector for research and educational work, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Talalaiev Kostiantyn Oleksiiovych
Vice-rector for research and educational work, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Venger Lyudmyla Vilenivna
Vice-rector for medical work, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Krylenko Volodymyr Igorovych
Vice-rector for administrative and economic work, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Antonenko Petro Borysovych
Academic Secretary of the University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Volyanska Alla Heorhivna
Head of the Department for Ensuring clinical competences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Davydov Denys Mykhailovych
Dean of Medical Faculty, PhD in Medicine, associate professor
Valda Volodymyr Volodymyrovych
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, PhD in Medicine, associate professor
Unguryan Liana Myhaylivna
Dean of the Pharmaceutical Faculty, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor
Honcharenko Olha Volodymyrivna
Dean of the International Faculty, PhD in Medicine, associate professor
Annenkova Iryna Petrivna
Head of the educational department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor
Kusyk Nataliya Lvivna
Head of the educational and methodical department, PhD in Economics, associate professor
Khatsko Viktoriya Eduardivna
Head of Internship Division, PhD in Medicine, associate professor
Didichenko Liudmyla Volodymyrivna
Head of Postgraduate Studies Division
Petrovskii Yurii Yuriiovych
Head of the Training and production complex of innovative technologies of training, informatization (TPC ITTI)
Usychenko Kateryna Mykolaivna
Head of the Education Quality Assurance Department, PhD in Medicine, associate professor
Nitochko Kateryna Oleksandrivna
Head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Information, PhD in Medicine, аssociate рrofessor
Drozdin Volodymyr Anatoliyovych
Head of the Department for the Organization of Clinical Work
Rudenko Maryna Oleksandrivna
Chief Accountant
Chuba Valerii Volodymyrovych
Head of the Planning and Economic Department
Perchyk Oleksandr Mykolaiovych
Head of the Staff Department
Kosiuha Ruslan Volodymyrovych
Head of the Office and Archives
Sukhin Yurii Vitaliiovych
Chairman of the trade union committee, Honoured Doctor of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Harina Nataliia Victorivna
Vice-Head of the Association of Employees of the University, Director of the Library