June 14 is World Blood Donor Day

Every year on June 14, World Blood Donor Day is celebrated in various countries. We sincerely thank the people who voluntarily and free of charge donate their blood, which is absolutely necessary to save the lives and health of patients.

Nowadays, during a brutal bloody war, donating blood is one of the most pressing issues. Specialists of blood transfusion stations appeal to the public almost every day with the appeal: “Blood is urgently needed!”. After all, during hostilities, transfusion of donor blood is the only way to save the life of a wounded person with heavy blood loss.

Employees of ONMedU, teachers and students of higher education understand this need better than anyone else, and since the beginning of the war, they have been the first to regularly become donors in regional and city blood transfusion centers, in hospitals where donation takes place.

This academic year, ONMedU has already held three Donor Days, which were attended by more than 50-60 people each time.

Employees and participants of the student scientific group of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy, teachers of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Surgery, employees of the Multidisciplinary Medical Center and the University Clinic showed great activity.

We sincerely thank all of you for the calling of your soul and the desire to help your compatriots. You are sharing your blood — this priceless treasure of nature.

We are proud of you!