ONMedU: OSСE 2024

The students of the 6th year of ONMedU successfully coped with the tasks of the objective structured clinical exam.

We remind you that its preparation is provided by our own program, which allows you to evaluate the acquired knowledge, skills and competences as correctly, quickly and objectively as possible. It was developed and is constantly being improved by the head of the educational and production complex of innovative teaching and informatization technologies of Odesa National Medical University, Associate Professor Yuriy Petrovskyi. The fact that other medical educational institutions in Europe intend to use  ONMedU program can speak of the high quality of the latter. For example, the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Odesa National Medical University is rightfully proud of its achievement. It should be noted that from 2019, the second part of the graduation certification at ONMedU takes place in OSCE mode. The exam in this format allows for the most complete assessment of the graduate’s professional competence, his ability to correctly make a decision regarding the use of a particular method of diagnosis or treatment and to demonstrate his mastery of this method. Exam tasks are as close as possible to real clinical situations and allow not only to assess the student’s knowledge and skills, but also provide additional information about his readiness to work as a doctor. The exam takes place according to clear, approved rules in specially equipped rooms (stations) that simulate the premises of a hospital or clinic. There are a total of 10 such stations, which are divided into various specialties.

This year, OSCE for Ukrainian students was held from May 16 to 23, but two additional days – June 12 and 13 – were set aside for retaking or for those seekers who could not appear for the exam on time.