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XX Jubilee Scientific and Practical Conference “Readings in Memory of St. Luke of Crimea (V.F. Voino-Yasenetskii)” took place on May 23, 2019. “Life. Activities. Creativity. Science and Religion “. At the beginning of the conference there was a prayer service in honor of St. Luke of Crimea and the holy martyr Valentyna on the territory of the Odessa City Clinical Hospital No. 3. named after prof. L. I. Aleinikova.
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Criminal Proceedings were Started to Protect Odessa Medical University According to the facts of non-execution of the court decision as to payment of wages to the university employees, criminal proceedings have been initiated by the police. Recently, an action was organized in front of the building of the State
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ІІ International Scientific Conference “Man as Integrity: Philosophical, Psychological, Medical and Legal Polylogue” The II International Scientific Conference "Man as Integrity: Philosophical, Psychological, Medical and Legal Polylogue" was held at the Department of Philosophy and Bioethics of ONMedU on May 15, 2019. The purpose of the conference was to create appropriate conditions for
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The treasury destroyed the myths of manipulators: Dubinina does not have the right to sign The students and staff of Odessa National Medical University hasn’t received scholarships and salaries for five months. There are thousands of doctors, teachers, scientists, nurses and their families. Due to debts, educational buildings and three university clinics can be cut
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Dear students and university staff! The MOH is preparing provocations: on the day of STEP 2 state licensed exam they want to disconnect the university from the power supply. Tomorrow, Odessa Medical University can be turned off the power supply, which will stop the three
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