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XXIІІ Conference of the Ukrainian Antiepileptic League with international participation “Actual Problems in Conditions of the Epilepsy Pathomorphosis” On May 16, XXIІI conference of the Ukrainian Antiepileptic League with international participation "Actual Problems in Conditions of the Pathomorphosis of Epilepsy" began its three-day work in the conference hall of the Jewish Center "Beit Grand". A strong and powerful
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Contradiction of the Statement by the Ministry of Health regarding the Authority of the a.i. Rector of ONMedU Yurii Sukhin The Ministry of Health continues to manipulate the facts and mislead the public. It uses the classic method of half-truth: it takes a real judicial decision and interprets it at its own discretion. As a result, on the facebook page
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Oleh Tarabrin: World-class Anesthetists Are Coming to Odessa to the “Black Sea Pearl” At the end of May, "stars" of the world medicine will gather in Odessa for three days. For the sixth consecutive year, Odessa National Medical University organizes the "Black Sea Pearl" - an International and Interdisciplinary Congress of Anesthetists. We
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Students of ONMedU are among the best at the Human Anatomy Olympiad! At the end of April, traditionally, there are scientific "competitions" for students of medical universities of Ukraine - professional-oriented Olympiads and the Conference of Young Scientists. This year, the Human Anatomy Olympiad was held on the basis of Ternopil State
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Thanks for the Peaceful Sky On May 9, 2019, ONMedU students visited WWII veterans. Unfortunately, every year there remain fewer veterans, but the memory of their deeds, honor and courage will live forever. Students communicated with the heroes of the Second World War and enthusiastically
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