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What raiders led by rascal Dubinina do in half a day: the destruction of ONMedU administration office. Just the day before yesterday, it was nice to stay in the premises of the Administration Office of ONMedU, today it's scary! Scary of broken furniture, broken glass, damaged monitors and cabinets. But even more terrible is that all of
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ONMedU team appealed to Volodymyr Zelenskii for protection: criminals from the Ministry of Health want to destroy our university The staff and students of Odessa National Medical University appealed to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky as to the criminal activity of a.i. Minister of Health Uliana Suprun and her henchmen. Uliana Suprun, the main destroyer of the health
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The Impressions of Foreign Speakers of VI Interdisciplinary International Congress of the Forum Vsevolod Kuz'kov, a member of the educational committee of the European Society of Anesthesiologists: The Ukrainian School is shown to the best advantage. The International Congress of Anaesthesiologists Black Sea Pearl has taken place for three years in Odessa. The
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The story of how I fell in love with medicine. Truly. At the end of August last year, I was fine. I had finished my internship, passed all the exams, "STEPs", enrolled in the postgraduate studies course, perfectly spent one and a half months of holidays and was preparing to start
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The administration of ONMedU has managed to unlock accounts. Today employees will get their salaries The administration of ONMedU has managed to unlock accounts. Today employees will get their salaries The Main Department of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in Odesa Oblast will start paying out according to the payment documents of Odessa National
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