Specialists of the department of propaedeutics of pediatrics of ONMedU have developed a special course on providing emergency medical care to children

According to the Office of the Prosecutor General, from February 2022, that is, from the beginning of the war, to December 2023, 512 children died in Ukraine, and 1,152 received various injuries. Quite often, children die or become disabled because adults could not provide help in time.

The main causes of death of 80-90% of the wounded are: massive blood loss – 60%; airway obstruction — 34%; pneumothorax (air accumulation and increased pressure in the lungs) — 6%.

A special course  developed by the specialists of the Department of Pediatrics of ONMedU is dedicated to the selection of optimal approaches to stop bleeding in children in extreme situations and military operations and, most importantly, to practice the skills of providing emergency care.