New educational literature for the needs of scientists and students of ONMedU

Almost 9,000 copies, more than 230 titles of scientific and educational publications replenished the library of Odessa National Medical University during 2020.

Despite all the difficulties this year, we have managed to achieve significant results!

At the request of the heads of departments on information support of the educational process and providing students and teachers with modern primary publications, the library initiated a tender purchase of textbooks and manuals in theoretical and clinical disciplines.

Books on anatomy and biological chemistry, pediatrics and internal medicine, surgery and dentistry are now available to students and teachers. A large number of publications are presented in English – these are modern textbooks on anatomy, pathomorphology, pediatrics, physiology, therapy and others.

It should be noted that this year we have managed to purchase educational literature for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        In the near future, all new editions will be placed in virtual book exhibitions, which are exhibited on the library blog and timely announced on the official page of ONMedU on Facebook —