
Charged with dignity and thirst for freedom November 21 is the Day of Dignity and Freedom. This public holiday reminds of the fateful events of the recent history of Ukraine, connected with two revolutions - the Orange Revolution of 2004 and the Revolution of Dignity of 2013-2014.
Diabetes Day November 14 is a Diabetes Day worldwide. This is a peculiar reminder not only of this disease, but also of its constant spread among mankind. At the Department of Family Medicine and Polyclinic Therapy of Odesa National Medical University, students
The Department of Ophthalmology of ONMedU has turned 120 years old! The Eye Microsurgery Center of the Multidisciplinary Medical Center of ONMedU is a unique medical, educational and scientific complex. It is here that the Department of Ophthalmology is located, which not only trains intern doctors, but also provides assistance to
World Science Day for Peace and Development Every year on November 10, the international celebration of World Science Day for Peace and Development takes place. It was decided to start such a holiday in 1999 at the World Scientific Conference in Budapest, but the official confirmation of
LET’S CELEBRATE OUR NATIVE LANGUAGE! On July 28, 2023, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi signed Decree No. 455/2023, according to which the date of the celebration of the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language was moved from November 9 to October 27. The date