
The online lecture is devoted to the Day of Monuments of History and Culture of Ukraine   On April 18, the ONMedU Library, together with the Department of Social Sciences, held an interesting online lecture dedicated to the Day of Monuments of History and Culture of Ukraine with students of the EC108 group of the first
Let’s save our Earth! Environment Day is celebrated in Ukraine every year on the third Saturday of April. This holiday was celebrated for the first time in 1999, and it was initiated by the All-Ukrainian action "Tree - Life", which was introduced in 1997
Ukrainian Easter egg – guardian of the family! Today, on April 13, 2023, Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate Maundy Thursday. People call it Pure. In traditional Ukrainian culture, prayer was strengthened on this day, houses were cleaned, yards were cleaned, before sunrise people washed their faces and
Let’s be healthy! Today, on April 7, is World Health Day. It was timed to the day of adoption of the charter of the World Health Organization in 1948 - 75 years ago. During this time, 194 countries of the world became members
The Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk is the first Ukrainian Constitution   Today, on April 5, 313 years have passed since the signing of the first Ukrainian Constitution. It is also called the "Constitution of Hetman Pylyp Orlyk" and the "Bender Constitution". This is an outstanding historical monument of Ukrainian and