
Solemn Graduation Ceremony for the Graduates of the Extra-Mural Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy and of MF №3 (Psychology) On March 2, 2018, in spite of the severe weather conditions, the solemn graduation ceremony for  graduates-pharmaceutists of the extra-mural department of the Faculty of Pharmacy and for graduates-psychologists of the extra-mural department of Medical Faculty №3  was held. The
“Shevchenko Days” Dedicated to the Memory of T. Shevchenko, an Outstanding Figure in Ukrainian Culture On March 5, 2018, "Shevchenko Days" dedicated to the memory of an outstanding figure of Ukrainian culture T. Shevchenko started at the Department of Social Sciences. The head of the department, Ph.D., Associate Professor O.O.Sikorska and the deputy head of
The new issue of the “Pulse” newspaper, February 2018, No. №2 (246) Load the new issue of the “Pulse” newspaper, February 2018, No. №2 (246) →
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