Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022!

Dear colleagues and students!

I sincerely congratulate you on the coming 2022 and Merry Christmas! The beginning of the calendar year is always new hopes, opportunities and challenges. So these holidays are the best time to relax, accumulate energy and inspiration to carry out your plans.

The past year was fruitful. Odessa National Medical University started accreditation, continues to transform learning formats, confirms the reputation of a responsible employer and a reliable institution of higher education. The university is expanding international cooperation and has successfully conducted the admission campaign: 326 freshmen have joined our friendly family. Sincere thanks to our team for their work!

As part of the medical community, doctors, faculty and students at ONMedU have joined the fight against the pandemic. Overall, 2021 is a year of joining forces. It consolidated the medical system, returning higher medical education to the attention of the state leadership. 2022 will be the year of internship reform, and I am confident that our community will cope with this challenge.

We have something to be proud of and something to strive for. To a happy and developed country, where the medical profession is in demand and prestigious. In which health professionals feel needed and protected by the state. In which scientists have support and prospects. In which the health and life of each individual is the highest value and a national priority. I am sure that next year will bring us one step closer to this goal.

I wish you good health and great achievements in the New 2022! I believe it will bring love, comfort and prosperity to every home. May a big happy family be your reliable backyard and inexhaustible source of inspiration, and let every obstacle be an accelerator of personal and professional growth. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!


With respect and best wishes,

Rector, Academician Valerii Zaporozhan