
EUROPE DAY IS IN THE HEART OF EVERYONE! This holiday falls on the third Saturday of May - the most beautiful month of the year, when trees bloom under the blue sky, and the spring sun seems to illuminate happy days full of beauty, prosperity, creativity and fulfilment
Embroidery Day at ONMedU 2022 Ukrainian embroidered shirt is a shrine of the people, a symbol of spiritual wealth, wisdom, happiness, love and family memory. This year, the Day of Embroidery fell on May 19, and on the last days of the week teachers of
Congratulations on Easter by Valerii Zaporozhan Dear compatriots, colleagues, students, all Christians of the Eastern rite. I sincerely congratulate you on the Bright Resurrection of Christ. This year we celebrate Easter with pain for the country, our relatives and all our Ukrainian people. It is a
A Great Holiday! Among the calendar holidays in the Ukrainian traditional culture, the central place is occupied by Easter - the holiday of resurrection! Easter rites combined pieces of the culture of previous generations of people who inhabited the territory of Ukraine for
Training and patriotic-educational work in ONMedU continues even during the war Material culture is the age-old, sometimes millennial heritage of the people. Mentality, traditions are reflected in clothing, cuisine, architecture, music, literature, folklore and more. In times of peace, there occured a tradition of a kind of clothing festival in the
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