Easter Cakes can be different, but they are equally delicious!

On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, ONMedU hosted an interactive lecture-tasting: “Easter Cakes can be different, but equally delicious!”

The organizers were Vadym Maidan (head of the department of international educational programs), Department of Social Sciences of ONMedU (head, Ph.D., associate professor Olha Sikorska).

During the fascinating lecture-presentation (lecturer – Doctor of Science in Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences Teiyana Podkupko), the guests listened to the history of the names of the Easter pastry, its features and variety of recipes, and learned about the semantic load of the main ingredients depending on the regions of Ukraine. During the lecture, the participants solved thematic puzzles, took part in a quiz, where questions on the history of Ukrainian Easter traditions were combined with a virtual journey around the world during the Easter holidays.

Hostesses and hosts of ONMedU came for a treat with their culinary Easter masterpieces! The Easter cakes were different (see the photo report), but they were all very tasty!

We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to immerse into the pleasure of tastes, knowledge and communication!

Tatyana Podkupko,
candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the department of social sciences of
Odesa National Medical University