International Holocaust Remembrance Day
On January 27, the whole world celebrates the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. No one is guilty of belonging to a particular nation or race. But the German Nazis thought otherwise. From 1933 to 1945, violence against Jews, Gypsies and those
There is strength in unity!
On January 22, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Unity. On this day in 1919, the Act of Unification between the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Western Ukrainian People's Republic was proclaimed in Kyiv. This event marked the unification of Ukrainian
January 22 is the Day of the National Unity of Ukraine
This holiday is celebrated on the day of the proclamation of the Act of the Unification of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the West Ukrainian People's Republic in 1919. We also recall another important historical event - the declaration of
Happy New Year: Faculty of Pharmacy
Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Odesa National Medical University congratulate all employees and students of higher education of ONMedU on the New Year 2024.