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Meeting with the deans Today, on August 5, 2019, a.i. vice-rector for research and educational (academic) work, Shmakova Iryna Petrivna held a meeting with the deans of medical faculties. The agenda included the question of preparing the faculties for retaking the component of the
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Attention media! Media and social networks have been spreading the information that diplomas issued by Odessa National Medical University are not legitimate recently. Please be assured that this disseminated information is false. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine assigned each
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ONMedU staff to President Volodymyr Zelenskii: Suprun’s lawlessness and arbitrariness should be stopped immediately The staff of Odessa National Medical University continues to fight against the lawlessness and arbitrariness of the heads of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, who have long exceeded the limit. The team has sent a letter to the President
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Valery Zaporozhan: Future heads of the Ministry of Health can use the experience of Odessa Medical University to reform medical education The successful experience of Odessa National Medical University can be extended to every medical university in Ukraine. This was stated by Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, the chairman of the ONMedU Academic Council, in an article for Vesti. Therefore, the university was
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Valery Zaporozhan: Suprun’s medical reform is an experiment on the health and life of the Ukrainians Led by Uliana Suprun, the Ministry of Health offers the Ukrainians dubious "projects" instead of radical changes in the organization, management and financing of the industry. This is stated in the article by Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, Chairman of the Academic
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