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Under the President’s Office, healthcare providers, teaching staff, and students demand Suprun’s resignation Today, under the President's Office, representatives of the medical community of Ukraine staged a large-scale rally with a request to dismiss Minister of Health Ulyana Suprun as soon as possible. Workers of hospitals and other medical establishments, teachers and students
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THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF THE ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE E.S. BURIACHKIVSKII: ON THE RESULTS OF THE ADMISSIONS OF UKRAINIAN STUDENTS TO ODESSA NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY 2019 The Admissions Committee of Odessa National Medical University (ONMedU) is a working body of ONMedU envisaged by part one of Article 38 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, which is created to organize admission of entrants. The Admissions
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ONMedU staff asks Zelenskii to step in the situation around the university – an open appeal Odessa National Medical University appealed to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskii to protect the university from attacks of the a.i. Head of the Ministry of Health Ulyana Suprun. "Dear Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, we are writing to you on behalf of
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To the attention of students of the international faculty! The retaking of the International Fundamentals of Medicine Exam (IFOM) will be held on August 13-15, 2019. This exam is an essential component of the unified state qualification exam (USQE) for applicants for a degree in higher education with a
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Вниманию студентов международного факультета! Пересдача международного экзамена по основам медицины (IFOM) состоится 13-15 августа 2019 года. Этот экзамен является обязательным составляющим компонентом единого государственного квалификационного экзамена (ЕГКЭ) для соискателей степени высшего образования магистр по специальностям отрасли знаний "22 Здравоохранение". Согласно пункту 13 постановления Кабинета
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