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Valery Zaporozhan: Outflow of medical personnel is increasing, one third of positions in medical establishments are vacant The outflow of medical personnel to Europe has increased in Ukraine in the last two years. According to some reports, about 70,000 specialists have left the country over the past two years. Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, the chairman of the Academic
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The Ministry of Health of Ukraine unjustifiably deprives students of scholarships The Ministry of Health baselessly deprives gifted and socially vulnerable children of scholarships, violating their legal rights. Officials return applications for scholarships without consideration. This year, the MOH leadership refused the 5th year student of the medical faculty № 1
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Valerii Zaporozhan: Suprun is going the way of the Soviet “reformers” and destroys university clinics The experience of the Ministry of Health under the leadership of Ulyana Suprun proves that medical reform, which affects only one industry, without affecting the adjacent ones, is doomed. This is stated in the article by Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, the
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ONMedU has completed admission of applications and documents from entrants On July 22, 2019, at 18:00, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Admission in 2019, the admission of applications and documents from applicants was completed at Odessa National Medical University. "The first phase of this year's admission campaign
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Internship: admission to the internship to the intramural form of training begins Getting a diploma at a medical university in Ukraine does not mean that a graduate is already a doctor. Before starting to work as a doctor, a young specialist must necessarily complete an internship with the purpose to improve theoretical
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