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Address of ONMedU students to the citizens of the Russian Federation (Valeria Ladyzhenskaya) In his address to the Russians, Valeria Ladyzhenskaya, the head of the student union, said: “Only you, the people of Russia, can stop your president. Only you can stop the evil that kills thousands of Ukrainian families, children and wipes
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National moment of silence for the victims of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine On Wednesday, March 16, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskii said in a video address that he had signed a decree "On a nationwide minute of silence for those killed in the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine" in
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Study materials in psychiatry from Cambridge University Dear colleagues and students of ONMedU! The University of Cambridge has opened a psychiatric course for us, which can be joined by anyone. Go to the training materials at the link:
MEMORIAL DATES OF MARCH 2022 In these difficult times of war, our state symbols and memorable dates of history have become even more precious, and the desire to expel the last mercenary from our land as soon as possible has become even stronger. Two very
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Surgeons of ONMedU share their experience and skills Officers of the medical service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, teachers of the famous ONMedU work almost around the clock at the beds of patients in intensive care units and operating rooms. And in their free time they teach.
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