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Free access to the online edition of the British Medical Journal To support Ukrainian doctors, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd provides free access to the online edition of the British Medical Journal, namely to two online resources - BMJ Best Practice and BMJ Learning. Access is provided throughout Ukraine, without being tied
Elsevier Health supports medical workers and students in Ukraine To the attention of users! Elsevier Health strives to do its utmost to support health professionals and students in Ukraine to provide assistance to patients at critical times. Elsevier provides access to ClinicalKey. ClinicalKey is a platform for scientific clinical
We remind you about online library services Dear scientists and students! We remind you about online library services that work to meet the information needs of users: Electronic catalog Please note that access to the directory is authorized, so to download documents from the directory you
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Message of the rector of ONMedU Valerii Zaporozhan to students Dear students, my future colleagues! Today is a difficult time for our country. Our peaceful life has collapsed. We live among explosions, volleys and sirens. And it is quite natural that in some moments fear, panic enters your souls, and
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The student trade union committee of ONMedU continues to volunteer From the first hours of these terrible events, our students did not stay away and began active volunteering. We all came together, our big student family became even more united, we became one! An active member of the ONMedU trade