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Free access to the collections of Hinari medical and biomedical information resource To the attention of the scientific community! Well-known Dutch publishing house Wolters Kluwer - continues free access for users of Odessa National Medical University to the collections of medical and biomedical information resource Hinari. We remind you that Hinari Program,
Get only verified information! The relevant Directorate of Medical Personnel, Education and Science of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine recently created a group on Facebook to communicate with the medical community. After all, right now the whole society desperately needs information that is
The country is at war, but no one has canceled studying This was the leitmotif of the speech of the Vice-Rector for Education Quality Assurance Valentina Protsenko at the meeting of the Academic Council, which took place on March 31 under the chairmanship of the Rector, Academician Valery Zaporozhan. "The country
ONMedU Library is a permanent member of the ULA! Since 2022, the Library of Odessa National Medical University has been a permanent member of the Ukrainian Library Association (ULA)! ULA is an open community of professionals that promotes the development and implementation of innovations in the library field. Involvement
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On March 31, a meeting of the Academic Council of ONMedU took place On March 31, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Odesa National Medical University was held online under the chairmanship of the Rector, Academician Valerii Zaporozhan. The agenda included important issues for the successful operation of the institution
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