ONMedU: to the World Anesthesiologist’s Day!

On October 16, doctors around the world celebrate Anesthesiologist’s Day. After all, it was on this day in the middle of the 19th century that the American dental surgeon William Thomas Greene Morton constructed a primitive anesthesia machine and appeared publicly as the world’s first anesthesiologist.

One hundred years later, anesthesiology became an independent branch of medicine. The main tasks of which were the choice of the method of analgesia, determination of the nature of the anesthetic agent, preparation of the patient for surgical intervention, as well as anesthesia, prevention and treatment of complications related to the operation, etc.

At the end of the 50s of the last century, the formation of anesthesiology and resuscitation took place in Ukraine. On September 1, 1970, the country’s first specialized department was organized in Odesa. Currently, it is called the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine of ONMedU. And it is here that students of higher education are trained on the basis of world experience and modern trends. Also, the process of training future specialists takes place on the basis of University clinics in the departments of anesthesiology and intensive care.