Dear colleagues!

Unfortunately, our team has suffered a heavy loss. On May 8, one of the most well-known obstetrician-gynecologists in Ukraine and abroad, Honored Scientist and Technician of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology № 2 of Odessa National Medical University, head of Odessa Council of Medical Associations and partnerships, Chairman of the Board of Odessa Organization of the All-Ukrainian Medical Society, member of the Great Council of the All-Ukrainian Medical Society, Chairman of Odessa Branch of the Association of Obstetricians-Gynecologists of Ukraine, Board Member of South-Eastern European Medical Forum Zelinskii Oleksandr Olekiiovych.
Professor O.O. Zelinsky was not only an outstanding scientist and doctor, as well as a deeply decent man with great devotion, a citizen and a true patriot of his country, whose basic principle of life was unselfish serving people and society. The outstanding quality of Oleksandr Olekiiovych as a citizen, doctor and teacher was the desire to help others, to teach and share his knowledge, skills and love and care with the young generation of scientists and doctors. For his colleagues and students, he was and will forever remain an example of a true man with a capital.
Farewell will be held on Friday, May 10, at 11:00 in the large anatomical lecture-hall of ONMedU.