Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

On May 8, traditionally, in honor of the Victory Day near the Monument to the Grieving Mother, erected to the memory of the students, teachers, doctors – graduates of Odessa Medical Institute, who died in the battles for their Motherland, solemn flowers-laying ceremony took place.
The administration, students, and lecturers of the ONMedy bowed their heads to our predecessors who were able to defend the true values of medicine and were faithful to their principles to the end.
The doctor at the front has his own war, with no automatic rifle in his hands, but with a scalpel and medicine. Their battle is for the lives of people. And it is going to the very end. To fulfill their professional duty, regardless of the difficulties and external circumstances, is perhaps the most important lesson that the military doctors of the Great Patriotic War gave their great service!
We are proud of the great feat of our predecessors.