Unscheduled Staff Conference: ONMedU is ready to strike!

The new MOH leadership continues to violate laws, interpret court decisions at their own discretion, or simply ignore them. For more than a year, the budget of ONMedU has been blocked, in connection with which, since February 2019, students have not been paid their scholarship and the employees of the University clinics have not been paid their salaries. As all legal possibilities to stop the arbitrariness of the Ministry of Health have been exhausted, the ONMedU union initiated holding an unscheduled staff conference on November 7, where it was proposed to hold a general strike of the employees as the last attempt to resolve the  dispute between ONMedU and the MOH of Ukrainein order to achieve the legal right of the University to have the 2019 budget blocked by the Ministry of Health sighned, which will allow to resume scholarships and salaries, to normalize the work of ONMedU clinics.

The Student Union and student self-government of ONMedU have joined the staff of ONMedU to participate in the planned strike.

The first step in this direction was the approval of a working group responsible for the preparation for the strike, in order not to violate the Law of Ukraine on strike, to work out a block of documents for this event.

At the end of the Staff Conference, an Appeal to the various institutions of state regarding the state of affairs at the university was adopted. And if the problem is not resolved, the staff will be forced to go on strike.