The Gynecological Clinic of ONMedU has received the status of a “Clinical and Scientific Center of Endometriosis”

The Gynecological Clinic of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology # 1 of the Multidisciplinary Medical Center of Odessa National Medical University headed by Professor Gladchuk I.Z. has received the status of a “Clinical and Scientific Center of Endometriosis” as in its structure, quality of care and research work it meets the requirements of the European League of Endometriosis as well as of the Endometriosis Research Foundation and the Association of Endometriosis.
A European Commission composed of Professor Martin Sillem (Mannheim, Germany), member of the Expert Board of the European Endometriosis League, Associate Professor, gynecologist, Sebastian D. Schaeffer, member of the European League of Endometriosis, certified surgeon of the German Society of Gynecologic Endoscopy (AGE) with a certificate of the highest surgical category MIC III, Harry Charchiana, certified surgeon of the German Society of Gynecological Endoscopy (AGE) with a certificate of the highest surgical category MIC III and the Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Germany (DGGG) highly praised the long-term clinical experience and scientific achievements of Odessa School of Endoscopic Surgery of Endometriosis, their scientific research work on the issue, which was started in early ’90s by academician of the NAMS of Ukraine, professor Valerii Zaporozhan.
The certified endometriosis clinic can not only operate and treat such patients, who make up almost a third of all gynecologic patients, but they can also provide them with individualized counseling and medical support, help improve reproductive function, diagnose and treat infertility, working together with a multidisciplinary team of specialists (surgeon, urologist, therapist, neurologist, reproductologist), to improve the quality of life of a woman from menarche to menopause.
It is the first clinic in Ukraine to receive the highest, third level of certification (a clinical and research center). This status will provide the highest level of care for patients with such a common and complex problem as endometriosis.