The annual scientific conference for students and young scientists “Modern theoretical and practical aspects of clinical medicine” with international participation has just finished at Odessa National Medical University. This year the event was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the prominent pediatrician, professor B.Ya. Reznik

On April 18-19, in the walls of our Alma-mater, the most talented students and young scientists gathered to present their own research in the field of medical sciences, as well as distinguished teachers, university professors, to judge them fairly. In addition, significant support in organizing the holiday was provided by the current administration.
Thus, according to the summed up results, the conference of 2019 in ONMedU consisted of 17 sections, as well as the final meeting of the Round Table in memory of B.Ya. Reznik. 19 universities submitted their scientific papers, including three from foreign universities: Gomel University (Gomel, Belarus), MitoBioTech (California, USA), School of BioSciences (London, UK). A total of 196 reports from 201 speakers have been listened.
On the day of the plenary session on April 19, the best scientific works were awarded prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, and their authors were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes in the form of a new, bright medical literature. Each winner was personally congratulated the a.i. Rector Yu.V. Sukhin and the scientific adviser O.G. Yushkivska. At the end of the awarding ceremony, the chairmen of the SSS Shiroka A.D. and Mironov O.O. announced the results of the activities of the unions. A special thanks for the work during the year was proclaimed to the members of the SNT, Trade Union, Student Council and Center for Creativity of ONMED.
We sincerely congratulate the winners of the conference and wish them inspiration in the scientific activities of the next year!
P.S. The Student Scientific Society and the Young Scientists Society have a page in Instagram!