ONMedU is optimizing its structural units due to changes in the tender legislation

At the meeting of the Academic Council the decision  to optimize the structural units of the Odessa National Medical University due to innovations in the tender legislation was made.

In particular, since April 19, 2020, any purchase of goods, works or services worth more than UAH 50,000 must be made through a tender procedure. Accordingly, the amount of documentation that will need to be processed during the procurement procedure will increase several times, and the timing of this work will be much longer. This may adversely affect the expeditious resolution of some of the financial issues involved in securing our university.

Therefore, in order to rationalize the use of human resources and increase the efficiency of the economic part of the University, it was decided to modernize the Division for the provision of tender and contractual procedures and material and technical staff to the Department of material security of the University. The Sector for Maintenance of Buildings and Adjacent Areas, Maintenance and Technical Service and University Restoration and Modernization Service – to the University Building, Restoration and Modernization Service.

Due to the optimization of the staff, the functional duties of the employees of the structural units of the economic part of the university will be changed accordingly.