International Medical Forum “Innovations in Medicine – Health of the Nation

On May 19-21, 2020, the International Medical Forum “Innovations in Medicine – Health of the Nation” will be held at the modern ACCO International Exhibition Center (Kyiv, 40-B Pr. Peremohi). It is a meeting place for the heads of healthcare institutions of all forms of ownership, chief physicians and their deputies, scientists and doctors of various specialties, developers of new technologies and IT-programs, manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, tools, goods for medical purposes and pharmaceutical products for medical institutions.

The rich scientific program and specialized exhibitions of the Forum is an opportunity to exchange experience and upgrade skills, hear about new products and see them with your own eyes, test and get acquainted with the peculiarities of their practical application.

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Phones Numbers for the Questions of Participation: +380 (44) 206−10−16, 206−10−98

More information about the Forum can be found at