Exploring English: Language and Culture

Join this free online course and explore British culture as you improve your English.

Join the course now.


This course is for English language learners who are interested in learning more about British culture and want to improve their English skills.

The course uses short videos to present a variety of topics each week, including English as a Global Language, Environmental Protection, Entrepreneurship, and Literature. Filmed in the UK, these videos will help you develop your listening skills with live English. Our experienced tutor will look at some of the language aspects used in the video and will draw your attention to useful points that will help you improve your spoken and written English.

This course will give you the opportunity to:

Practice your skills online
Chat with people from all over the world
Improve English and get better understanding of British culture
Our course – Exploring English: language and culture is very comfortable and lasts 6 weeks, at the same time it only takes up to two hours of your time a week, so you can practice it at any time that is convenient for you.