This holiday falls on the third Saturday of May – the most beautiful month of the year, when trees bloom under the blue sky, and the spring sun seems to illuminate happy days full of beauty, prosperity, creativity and fulfilment of dreams.

In Ukraine, this day was launched by the Decree of President Leonid Kuchma “On Europe Day” of April 19, 2003, “taking into account Ukraine’s strategic course towards European integration.”

In Europe, this holiday is celebrated on May 9, and on this day the head of the European Council Charles Michel arrived in Odesa. He noted that Odesa residents protect historical monuments from enemy bullets and missiles, and the entire Ukrainian people are defending their freedom and independence.

Our country has proved to the whole world in its difficult historical path that it is worthy of full membership in the European Community.

Euromaidan began in Kyiv on November 21, 2013, a months-long protest in response to the suspension of preparations for the signing of an association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union by then-President Viktor Yanukovych, supported in all parts of Ukraine.

The war between Ukraine and Russia only strengthened the European aspirations of our people and accelerated the process of our country’s integration into the European community. The day before the war, Polish President Andrzej Duda and Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said after a meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky that Ukraine deserves EU candidate status, and on the 5th day of the war, Volodymyr Zelensky signed a historic document – an application for EU membership. , which was sent to Brussels on the same day.

Most European countries are supporting Ukraine in the fight against the enemy at rallies and demonstrations, and the EU leaders have said they intend to further strengthen ties and partnerships with Ukraine. We expect that the EU will consider granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for the European Union as soon as possible – in June.

Ukraine has a difficult historical mission – to protect other European countries and their values ​​from the racist horde with the blood of its heroes and civilians. And the barbarian country, the aggressor country, will remain in complete isolation from the rest of the world, like a tribe that, as in the distant past, savagely seized foreign lands.

Odesa has always established diplomatic, economic and scientific relations with many countries around the world. Odessa National Medical University has provided thousands of foreign students with medical education, development and upbringing. Our glorious university welcomes outstanding scientists from all over the world, many of whom have become Honorary Professors of ONMedU.

We are fighting for normal human values ​​- peace, tranquillity, prosperity and development for every citizen and we are confident that very soon we will join the European community because these values ​​are in our hearts!