
Bookcrossing in ONMedU A point of bookcrossing  has appeared in Odessa National Medical University (a bookcase in the lobby of the sports complex)! The first university free exchange of literature ever has been organized by students themselves with the help of teachers. Bookcrossing
First Round Commission Session of the All-Ukrainian Students’ Scientific Works Competition in Natural, Technical and Human Sciences The First Round Commission Session of the All-Ukrainian Students’ Scientific Works Competition in Natural, Technical and Human Sciences for the qualitative selection of the best scientific works of Odesa National Medical University students (Chairman of the Commission – Doctor of
Scientific-Practical Conference “New Technologies in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy” Has Been Held The Scientific-Practical Conference "New Technologies in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy" was held in the Multidisciplinary Medical Center of the University Clinic of ONMedU by the department of Robotic and Endoscopic Surgery, Surgery No. 1 and General and Military Surgery on January 26,