
Incorporation of iRONMEDU into the International Search Engine Google Scholar (Google Academy) To the attention of the scientists of ONMedU! In February 2018, the Institutional Repository of ONMEDU (IRONMEDU) was incorporated into the international free search engine by full texts of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines - Google Scholar (Google
Another Isolated Hyperthermic Chemoperfusion Operation Recently, a multidisciplinary team consisting of surgeons- oncologists and vascular surgeons of the Department of Surgery N4 with a Course of Oncology conducted another isolated hyperthermic chemoperfusion operation on a lower extremity of a patient with sarcoma in the University
The First Class of the Series of Master Classes on Practical Skills from an Experienced Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Natalia Artemivna Zolotareva On March 6, the first class of the series of master classes on practical skills was carried out by an educated professor, doctor of medical sciences, the head of the department of internal medicine № 4 Natalia Artemivna Zolotareva. During
Academic Council of ONMedU in Odrex Medical House On February 22, an Academic Council of ONMedU was held in Odrex Medical House. Reports of the heads of the departments with simulation equipment were presented during the meeting, and the future relationship between ONMedU and Odrex Medical House was