
Annual scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of academician B. Ya. Reznik Traditionally, since 2008, Odessa has held an annual scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of Academician B. Ya. Reznik. And every year, regardless of the circumstances (pandemic, wartime, blackout period), the conference continues to gather a large number
The annual scientific and practical conference with international participation “Modern theoretical and practical aspects of clinical medicine” for seekers of the second (master’s) level of education was held On April 27 and 28, the annual scientific and practical conference with international participation "Modern theoretical and practical aspects of clinical medicine" for seekers of the second (master's) level of education was held. This year, the conference was dedicated to
ONMedU students took part in the transformative game for the development of entrepreneurial skills “Cash Flow” As part of the HEI4Future project, students of Odesa National Medical University took part in a transformative game on the development of entrepreneurial skills. The game "Cash Flow" is a simulator of a business environment in the format of a
Museum of History of ONMedU and its “Muse” The Museum of History of Odesa National Medical University is a unique institution in itself. In these walls, you can find a reflection of entire eras, from the very moment when the first stone of the future center of medical
The online lecture is devoted to the Day of Monuments of History and Culture of Ukraine   On April 18, the ONMedU Library, together with the Department of Social Sciences, held an interesting online lecture dedicated to the Day of Monuments of History and Culture of Ukraine with students of the EC108 group of the first