
ONMedU Has Entered the TOP-10 under the Anti-Corruption Policy Transparency Index (APTI-2017)! Corruption has long been a systemic phenomenon in Ukraine. Its manifestations are found in all spheres of social life with varying intensity and depth of penetration. Higher education is no exception. Despite the noisy statements made by politicians and top
5 Opportunities for Doctors in 2018 Anyone who really wants something will always find opportunities. Here are 5 opportunities for medical professionals who are eager to learn something new in 2018. If you are working or studying in the medical field, choose the program you like
The Trip to EBCOG Congress Will Be Bankrolled for Some Candidates! Dear colleagues and friends! I am very glad to inform you that 2018 has started with very good news for our Association. Almost half-yearly negotiations and intensive work carried out by the Executive Committee resulted in the successful conclusion of