
COVID-19: Overview and Management by Jeremy Brown, PhD, Kevin Ahern, PhD, Raywat Deonandan, PhD u.a. In this free course, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and how to diagnose and treat the most common complications. To ease
Online Testing Another good opportunity for students to check their knowledge. Follow the link to start testing:
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Online training during quarantine at ONMedU Dear students! We remind you that you can find the necessary materials for online training and self-testing during quarantine at ONMedU at the link Methodical materials of departments (from the section of our site "Library") and you have the opportunity
During the Quarantine, the Department of Pediatrics # 1 Will Teach Students Remotely Online During the quarantine period, the Department of Pediatrics No. 1 of ONMedU will teach students remotely online, said the head of the department, Professor Mykola Ariaiev. According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Health,
The Department of Social Sciences Held “Shevchenko Days”   The staff of the Department of Social Sciences headed by  associate professor O.O. Sikorska traditionally organizes "Shevchenko Days"  in the beginning of March. This event is dedicated to the outstanding Ukrainian poet, artist, public figure, man of universal gifts