Basic Emergency Care (BEC) course

The events of recent years, military operations in Ukraine, constant destruction in cities and towns have significantly changed our lives and priorities in the professional skills that medical workers must possess. First of all, it concerns first aid skills. Since 2024, Odesa National Medical University has become one of the educational bases of a joint project with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the World Health Organization, the International Committee of the Red Cross and by the International Federation of Emergency Medicine (International Federation of Emergency Medicine) for teaching the Basic Emergency Care (BEC) course. This basic course has been developed for medical professionals of all levels who provide emergency medical care at the hospital and pre-hospital stages. During the 5-day course, all participants have the opportunity to listen to lectures and master practical skills of first aid in situations with limited resources in the case of airway obstruction, difficulty breathing, insufficient tissue perfusion, altered states of consciousness, injuries. The course also discusses the minimum set of medications for basic emergency care.

The BEC course not only helps to significantly improve the skills of medical personnel, but also provides skills that allow you to significantly reduce the time to assess the condition, provide emergency care, provide further treatment during transportation, and manage and refer critically ill patients using minimal resources, especially in emergency situations.

The lecturers of the department of simulation medical technologies gladly joined the team of international trainers of the WHO from the BEC course and took over the training of Ukrainian doctors.

Today, under the patronage of the Ministry of Health and WHO, the second course of BEC is being held on the basis of ONMedU for doctors from all over the country under the leadership of the assistant of the department of simulation medical technologies Dmytro Karakonstantyn with the participation of international master trainers.

All the necessary mannequins and equipment for the course are provided by the Department of Simulation Medical Technologies of ONMedU, the location is provided with shelter.

The next BEC course at Odesa National Medical University will be held from September 30 to October 4, 2024 for specialists who wish to become instructors of the BEC course.

We wish all training participants success!