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Simulation Center of the Faculty  of Dentistry of ONMedU Master the most prestigious specialties at the Faculty of Dentistry of ONMedU! The faculty prepares dentists with general qualifications. Students acquire basic knowledge at theoretical and clinical departments, and practical skills at specialized and powerful material and technical bases of
High awards of the International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions” On May 17-19, 2023, the Fourteenth International Exhibition "Modern Educational Institutions" was held online. This international forum, based on its professional level, the content of the program on the most urgent issues of modernization of the sphere of education, the
How NOT to deal with stress Mental health will give you the strength not only to overcome a difficult period of life, but also to go through it with benefit for yourself. So that problems do not swallow you along with your dreams, you should not:
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International Day Against Sexual Violence in Conflict On June 19, the world celebrates the UN International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict. The tragedy of war is not only in the flows of refugees, destroyed homes, dead and wounded. According to official data, the
Student scientific society of ONMedU: final meeting The academic year is coming to an end — it's time to draw some conclusions, including the work of the student scientific society of Odessa National Medical University. On June 8, the final meeting of the SSS was held, where