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Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of ONMedU visited CAR “InterChem” On October 5, 2023, students of higher education majoring in "Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy" as part of production pharmaceutical practices visited the pharmaceutical enterprise CAR (company with additional responsibility) "InterChem" in order to familiarize themselves with the technological and production stages
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DOING SCIENCE IS INTERESTING! The first organizational meeting of the SSS of the Department of Social Sciences in the new academic year 2023-2024 On September 30, 2023, the first meeting of the scientific student group of the Department of Social Sciences was held this academic year. The sunny Saturday day coincided with the celebration of the All-Ukrainian Library Day. Graduates of the medical,
Nobel Prize 2023 The Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 2023 was awarded to Katalin Kariko (Hungary) and Drew Wiseman (USA) for the discovery of modifications of nitrogenous bases (nucleotides) in DNA, which made it possible to develop effective matrix RNA vaccines
We are 120! That is true! That's how long we are with the University! We help, support and accompany the educational process and scientific research of the Alma Mater. For this holiday, the Library has prepared two virtual exhibitions, which we invite you
The National Immunization Portal was presented at ONMedU The Ukrainian portal on immunization was presented at the Odesa National Medical University, which is designed for both professional doctors and future specialists looking for various information about vaccines and vaccinations. Teachers and students of higher medical education present at
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