Happy new academic year!

Dear seekers of higher education of Odesa National Medical University! I congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year!

You are one step closer to your goal — to give health and save lives! I am sure that in the new academic year you will gain even more knowledge and skills, you will actively participate in scientific forums, trainings and master classes of both Ukrainian and international scale.

I sincerely welcome the first-year students to the multi-thousand-strong family of Odesa National Medical University. Ahead of you there is the exciting world of Medicine, where experienced teachers and wise mentors will guide you through interesting meetings, youth events, new friends! There are many challenges ahead! And everything depends on you – you will become the successors and followers of your outstanding predecessors, who were educated by Odesa National Medical University.

Dear students! Be hardworking and inquisitive, absorb knowledge and master the skill! Confidently and persistently go towards your dream! I wish you success in your studies!

I would also like to address my colleagues: teachers, scientists, doctors of the University Clinic and the Multidisciplinary Medical Center. The success and achievements of our university would not be possible without the contribution of each of you. Even the conditions of martial law did not force you to lower the professional bar. You have remained faithful to your life’s work! Thank you for your dedication to your profession!

I wish you good health, endurance, faith and hope, and in work – stability, desire for new ideas and research, great professional success!

Your Valerii Zaporozhan