ONMedU: the first meeting of the Academic Council in the new academic year 2024–2025 was held

The meeting began with a ceremonial part. The members of the Academic Council congratulated the associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1, the captain of the medical service Viktor Chernyavskyi, who was awarded the Order of Danylo Halytskyi for his personal courage, shown in the defense of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, selfless performance of military duty.

Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, rector of ONMedU, made a thorough report on the development of the university in today’s conditions. As Valerii Mykolayovych emphasized, ONMedU has sufficiently adapted to modern conditions, but it is impossible to stop there. He reported on the priority directions of the university’s development, stressing that for the further development of the university it is important for the employees to make their suggestions and show initiative. “We strive to get feedback from everyone. I ask you to be active and proactive in methodical and educational-methodical, scientific, project innovations. The initiative of each of you is the way to our future, it is a joint success in the development of medical education and science,” Valerii Zaporozhan emphasized.

The rector also highlighted the issue of changes in the structure and staffing of Odesa National Medical University.

At the meeting, updated provisions were approved “On the procedure for expulsion, interruption of studies, renewal and transfer of higher education students at ONMedU”, “On internal monitoring of the quality of education at ONMedU”, “On the system of internal assurance of the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education at ONMedU”, “On the organization of the educational process at ONMedU” and the pedagogical training program “Pedagogical mastery course in the institution of higher medical education”.

The academic council supported the decision of the specialized one-off councils and the awarding of a doctor of philosophy diploma to V. K. Bohdanova and I. B. Petkova. Professor O. L. Appelhans,  the head of the department of anatomy, prof. was congratulated on receiving the award of the Holy Healer Panteleimon, which she received for services to the Local Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The Scientific Council also recommended the next issue of the “Odesa Medical Journal” and the educational manual “Theoretical and Methodical Basics of Solar Disinfection of Drinking Water” to be printed.

In conclusion, the head of the Academic Council emphasized: “Once again, I congratulate everyone on the beginning of the new academic year. I am sure that we will adapt to the rapid changes and will definitely enjoy our difficult, but so necessary work.”