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September 20 is World Gynecological Cancer Day This day was launched in 2019 on the initiative of the Association of European Gynecological Oncologists (ESGO). A huge number of patients with various types of gynecological cancer has forced the medical community and the public to take all possible
We don’t stop working – we start the day with the question HOW ARE YOU? No matter how hard it is, there are always those who are much worse off. From the first days of the war, Andrii joined the ranks of the Armed Forces. He works on one of the most difficult areas of
To the surgeon’s day A person's face is his business card in society. But almost every one of us has had at least some kind of facial injury, or knows someone who has. One of the most common serious facial injuries is a fracture
Scientific identification of scientists in ORCID The Ministry of Health of Ukraine in compliance with the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 4, 2023 No. 1/13262-23 on the arrangement of profiles of researchers on the ORCID platform, in accordance with
Physical Education Day at ONMedU   The first Sunday of September in Ukraine is traditionally celebrated as the Day of Physical Education. Every year, our department organizes a student sports holiday dedicated to this date. And this year was no exception. Promotion of a healthy