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ONMedU: training on counseling and testing for HIV infection ONMedU: training on counseling and testing for HIV infection On December 1, events dedicated to World AIDS Day were held all over the world. On this occasion, a master class on pre- and post-test counseling and testing for HIV infection,
To the International Day of People with Disabilities The International Day of People with Disabilities was established by resolution A/RES/47/3 of the UN General Assembly on October 14, 1992. It is celebrated annually on December 3 to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities, protection of
The conference “Problems and prospects of organizing rehabilitation assistance to veterans of the Armed Forces” was held in Odesa Anthem of Ukraine, a moment of silence to honor the memory of those who died as a result of armed aggression of the Russian Federation - the conference "Problems and prospects of organizing rehabilitation assistance to veterans of the Armed
December 6 is the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The holiday of our defenders The date of celebration of this holiday is related to the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On the Armed Forces of Ukraine" on December 6, 1991, and the holiday itself began to be celebrated in 1993, in accordance with
There is no excuse for violence The campaign "16 days against violence" started on November 25 and will last until December 10. But this topic remains relevant and acute all year round. The campaign "16 days against violence" talks about simple and effective actions that can