Implementation of the mhGAP Program “Common management of mental disorders at the primary level” at the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy of ONMedU

On the initiative and support of the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian program “HOW ARE YOU?”, the International Medical Corps, 5 teachers of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy underwent training for mhGAP TOT trainers “Program of actions to overcome gaps in in the field of health care”.

In order to implement the All-Ukrainian mental health program, changes have already taken place in the educational process of the 2024/2025 academic year at Odesa National Medical University. The teachers of the department introduced the mhGAP Guideline “Common management of mental disorders by general practitioners at the primary level” into the educational process. Changes have been made to the work programs of the main and elective courses. Students of higher education, while mastering the disciplines “Psychiatry”, “Narcology”, “Suicide”, “Medical psychology and medical-psychological assistance to participants in hostilities and persons affected by violence and torture in temporarily occupied territories” master communication skills, elements of psychoeducation and are fluent in the mhGAP Guidelines for the Common Management of Mental Disorders. From the next academic year, “Common management of mental disorders in the primary care” as a discipline will be mandatory for students of higher education at the 2nd and 3rd levels of education. There is a lot of educational and mentoring work ahead with general practitioners, students, interns, and colleagues at ONMedU. The time has come when we must understand that there is no health without mental health.