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Voluntary Saturday Work in ONMedU On March 28, 2019, more than 30 undergraduate students of ONMEDU expressed their desire to join the social work and help in the cleaning of our university premises. Starting from this month, such events will be regular, and anyone who
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ONMedU is preparing for the Interdisciplinary International Congress “Black Sea Pearl” VI International Interdisciplinary Congress of Anesthesiologists "Black Sea Pearl" will be held from 21 to 23 May in Odessa. The initiators of the powerful scientific and educational platform are ONMedU, Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine, Association of Anesthesiologists of Odessa
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On March 27, a scheduled meeting of the Academic Council of ONMedU was held Under the chairmanship of Academician V.M. Zaporozhan, the members of the Academic Council discussed issues concerning both the optimization of the educational process and the strengthening of the image of ONMedU among Ukrainian and foreign medical universities. Before proceeding to
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Dear colleagues! We are glad to inform you that thanks to the titanic efforts of the heads of departments, the deputy heads, the staff of the graduating departments and the educational department, as well as our University students, we have managed to
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