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On April 5, 2019, representatives of the student self-government congratulated the winner of the contest “The best professor of Odessa National Medical University – 2019” and other finalists. They were very pleased and pleasantly surprised. We would like to say the words of gratitude to all the professors of the University teaching us and bringing up not only future doctors but also personalities. Thank you!
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Dear 6th year students of medical faculties of Odessa National Medical University! We provide you materials for preparation for a trial final exam in the OSCI (objective structured clinical examination) format. The trial exam will begin on April 8, 2019. The test schedule is posted on the site. Sincerely yours, University Administration
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Tickets to the Ukrainian Theater! Dear professors and students! We invite you to visit the Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater named after V. Vasylko free of charge. Here is the schedule of performances for April 2019 for your attention! In order to visit the theater
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ONMedU at the All-Ukrainian Endocrinology Olympiad Department of Internal Medicine № 1 with the course of cardiovascular disease properly presented Odessa National Medical University at the All-Ukrainian Endocrinology Olympiad, held at Ternopil State Medical University. Student Bondarenko Olga and her supervisor, associate professor Potapchuk Oleksandr Vasyliiovych
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The Best Professor of ONMedU Dear students and university staff! It is time to sum up the contest "The best professor of Odessa National Medical University". In total, about 4800 students participated in the voting (810 - by writing in the ballot and 4050 -
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