Violence is one of the most common forms of human rights violations. Women, children and the elderly usually suffer the most from violence. The most common and most difficult to counter is domestic violence. Domestic violence is common in many countries, despite their positive legislative, political and practical achievements.
Domestic violence in Ukraine is the reason for 100 thousand days of hospitalization, 30 thousand appeals to trauma departments, 40 thousand calls to doctors. At the same time, only 10% of victims seek for help.
Protecting children from violence and preventing crimes against them is an extremely important, socially significant and urgent task, the solution of which is interdisciplinary.
The Department of Pediatrics №3 with postgraduate training conducts a related cycle for doctors – interns of all specialties “Combating Domestic Violence”, which is designed for 6 hours (1 day) and consists of 3 seminars of 2 hours each.
The main goal of the course is to deepen the theoretical training on the main issues of combating domestic violence and to improve the practical skills of interns in the examination and treatment of children affected by domestic violence. At the seminars, interns learn about the definition of domestic violence, its types and manifestations, learn to identify the causes and work with the consequences of child abuse. Get acquainted with the legal framework for combating domestic violence: the law “On prevention and combating domestic violence” from 12/7/2017 №2229 – VIII
The problem of violence against minors can be solved only in the case of joint work of health workers, teachers, parents and all adults who are somehow involved in raising children.