“Easter traditions” – an online lecture for first-year students

Ukrainian traditions of preparation to and celebration of Easter have been formed since ancient times. Even before the adoption of Christianity, the rules of the meeting of spring were established, which were embodied in preparation for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. The busiest day of preparation was Maundy Thursday. On this day, according to Christian tradition, Jesus Christ instituted Holy Communion during the Last Supper, a sacrament through which the faithful are cleansed of their sins and united with the God. However, in the folk tradition, purity of mind is closely intertwined with the purity of home, clothing, environment. On the Thursday before Easter, the hostess had to wash all the laundry, wash the windows, clean the house, whitewash, paint, decorate the house inside and out, wash and clean everything, bake Easter cakes, paint Easter eggs…

With the assistance of the Head of the Department, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Sikorska, Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences Podkupko Tetyana Leonidivna gave a lecture on Easter traditions of Ukrainians to the students of 1-6 groups of the first year, specialty – medicine on the Teams platform.

Due attention was paid to Easter eggs. Every ornament, every line has a certain meaning, semantic load and deep philosophical meaning. T.L. Podkupko showed students a collection of her Easter eggs, written this year on Maundy Thursday. She explained the significance of symbolism, the difference between the images on Easter eggs depending on the regions of Ukraine and the historical reasons that influenced the peculiarities of Easter egg painting traditions. The custom of “Watered Monday” aroused special admiration among students. On this day, the boys poured cold water on the girls (whatever would grow better). But the girls could “pay off” from dousing – give an Easter egg. If a girl liked a young man, then it was the only time a year when you could hint at your feelings by paying off with an Easter egg with an even number of flowers and petals on the flowers. If the beloved did not want to count, then he had to sigh about unspoken feelings for another year.

Even remotely the department managed to create a festive mood and arouse lively interest of the students.