Administration of ONMedU: The Situation in the Country Promotes the Soonest Settlement of the Situation at the University

The Ministry of Health, headed by Ulyana Suprun, is carrying out a deliberate and systematic work on the destruction of the system of higher medical education in Ukraine. This was stated by the vice-rector of Odessa National Medical University for scientific and pedagogical work, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Konstiantyn Talalaiev on air of Channel 7.
According to him, in recent years, the MOH has been attempting to destabilize the situation in at least 24 subordinate institutions. These are research institutes and higher educational institutions in Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Lviv and Odessa. “Since July last year, we have had to participate in the confrontation, which is arranged at the request of the heads of the Ministry of Health. This is Uliana Suprun, her deputy Oleksandr Linchevskii and the state secretary of the ministry Artem Yanchuk. Their goal is to destroy the system of higher medical education and artificially squeeze the best specialists out the country. More than 70,000 medical doctors have already left Ukraine.” said Konstiantyn Talalaiev.
One of the tools to achieve the blocking of the activities of institutions is non-payment of wages and attempts of illegal takeovers. All this has been happening at Odessa National Medical University in recent months. In these attempts, the MOH resorts to “help” from the side of questionable personalities, widely known both in society and in law enforcement agencies. Among them – Vladlena Dubinina, who became one of the top 10 corrupt officials of Ukraine, according to the National Anti-Corruption Agency. “I can assure that our employees and students have not surrendered. For 10 months, we have been keeping defence, despite tyranny, chaos, attempts to destroy the university and break people. We are very grateful to the trade unions, who backed the students and the most socially unprotected members of the team. We are continuing to help each other “, – added a.i. Vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Oleh Tarabrin.
Representatives of the administration of Odessa National University expressed confidence that the situation will be resolved as soon as possible. “We approve and congratulate the statements of the newly elected President of Ukraine that, immediately after the inauguration, he will establish order in the Ministry of Health and universities that have suffered as a result of such state management”, – said Oleg Tarabrin.